My Story
My name is Melissa Peterson-Dighans, and this is MY Scentsy Story
I received my first scentsy warmer in 2096 from my mom and dad. I LOVED it! I could not stop talking about how amazing it was, and how it smelled up my entire home. My mom Kay, who was also a consultant suggested I join. I declined the offer but did tell her I would think about it. I gave every excuse I could think of. I said it was not the right time, I couldn’t afford it (you know ALL the ones). She sent me some information on signing up and what scentsy was all about. I must have looked at the information at least every other night! I kept thinking to myself “this doesn’t look to hard, maybe I can do this”, then I would put the info away and let the self-doubt creep in. I struggle with making the decision for a long time (almost an entire year lol). FINALLY I decided to spend $99 and take a chance!!! I am so thankful that I did! I have never been a “sales person” type and I love that with scentsy I don’t have to be! I have learned to incorporate it into my everyday life and that is such a blessing!
There are so many amazing products that there is something for everyone! Throughout the MANY years I have been with Scentsy, my WHY and motivation have changed but my passion for the product, company, and people have not. I would LOVE an opportunity to share this business with you!!!!!!